Ysgol Glan-y-Mor

Ysgol Bryngwyn School Ysgol Bryngwyn School

Letter to Parents


20th March 2020 

Dear Parents / Carers

Following the decision to close all schools in Wales, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to the whole Glan-y-Môr community for the tremendous support you have continued to give in these turbulent times as we seek to try and do the very best by our pupils. Our pupils have shown resilience and immense strength of character which deserves credit and should make you all very proud.  As a school, we would like to continue to provide as much help and stability as possible for our pupils and families.  The wellbeing of our entire community is our main priority.

Although our learners will no longer be in school for this period, we will endeavour to ensure all information is shared promptly in relation to updates received from Local authority, Welsh Government and exam boards. This information will be made available via all our usual communication means. As you already know, information is changing rapidly and we will keep you informed as quickly as possible.  If you have any queries during this time please contact ysgol@glanymor.cymru

Our staff remain absolutely committed to providing the best possible learning opportunities for our pupils in this testing time. We hope our digital resources will provide some stability and help pupils to feel more confident in continuing their learning.  There is the potential for this period to afford more time for creativity and independent learning in different ways, encouraging a new approach to learning and a greater focus on technology.  Each student should be able to access a range of resources and activities through Google Classroom in Hwb (www.hwb.gov.wales). Materials will be updated regularly with new tasks set for each lesson.  We encourage your child to engage with set tasks and structure their time to ensure they tackle the full range of learning activities provided across the curriculum.  There is an expectation that every pupil engages with the Google Classroom of the subjects that they have on their timetable each day between 9.00am and 3.00pm. Teachers will also be able to provide feedback on submitted work that will help identify how to improve and recommend next steps.  We hope this ongoing dialogue will maintain pupils’ confidence and enjoyment of learning. 

IT support and guidance including Google Classroom instructions, pupil class codes and other help is available on the school website. 

If your child is unable to access resources for any reason in Google Classroom please contact the school on 01554 832507.

We would like to reassure you that you will be able to contact the school from Tuesday 24th March as there will be some staff on site from the hours of 3.00pm to 6.00pm. School will also be open on Monday 23rd March from 9.00am to 3.00pm for STAFF ONLY.

Parents or pupils will be able to access reception in person.  Paper copies of work can be collected in this way, though we recommend informing us ahead of time to ensure the correct work is made available. 

The normal contact telephone number of 01554 832507 will be answered at these times and messages on the answerphone will be picked up.  In addition to leaving an answerphone message, staff will be available to respond to our email address of ysgol@glanymor.cymru outside of the above times. 

We will continue to work together in partnership and keep you updated with any further information and support that may be helpful for yourselves and your children on our main website www.glanymorschool.co.uk

The following link has been distributed by the local authority to offer further support for parents:

Yours faithfully


Mr R P Jones
On behalf of the Governing Body