Ysgol Glan-y-Mor

Ysgol Bryngwyn School Ysgol Bryngwyn School

'Lockdown' Monologue by GCSE Drama pupil

GCSE Drama pupils have been creating lockdown monologues putting their scriptwriting skills to the test.

This monologue has been beautifully written by GCSE Drama pupil Erin Gardiner (Year 10). Well done Erin! Mrs Kervin #GCSEDrama #FightCoronaTogether 

Lockdown Monologue:

Lockdown, self isolation, quarantine. I never knew what these words meant, I heard them but never questioned what they meant. We're stuck in a time where I can't see any family or friends. It's a hard time but I try to make a positive side to it all. Isn't it crazy how we're all going to be history.. I've put a lot of thought into what I’m going to do once this is all over and I’ve come up with a few plans, of course I want to go and see family, friends and loved ones, but I want to travel the world, we all take time for granted, we are losing people second by second and this quarantine really isn't helping us much is it? The whole thing is really starting to drive people crazy and of course the best thing we can do is stay inside but there are some rebels out there that just don't want to go by rules, basically ruining people's lives by making this longer. Our children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews are going to say the painful sentence “I’m bored” and we will rant, there's no doubt about that. Everyones getting border and border by the second. Anyways, I can't wait until this is all over. I miss school, I know right crazy. Keeping up with my social distance chats and on facetime throughout. I miss so many people and can't wait to see them again.